LoL: The Vietnamese league pulls out one of the craziest and most unexpected drafts this year in the competitive

The The games of the League of Legends competitive circuit at the highest level are always a joy to analyze. The strengths and weaknesses of each team, as well as the strategies established by both teams with their compositions is worthy of the best in the world... But it's also cool to see crazy matches and with less common champions.

This is how we have seen this game from the VCS (The most important League in the Vietnamese region); Specifically, Saigon Buffalo, who was the representative of this region during MSI 2022, has been the one who has opted for this crazy and extravagant but deliciously fun draft for his players. The result? Let's just skip that part of the story...

Shyvana Mid and Mordekaiser Jungle for Saigon Buffalo

As we can see, the composition of Saigon is, to say the least, intimidating and surprising. Fiora is a very good pick against Gwen, while Tahm Kench and Seraphine's botlane is risky but fairly normal. But the weirdest thing was seeing Mordekaiser in the jungle with a Shivana in the mid lane.

The latter has been seen on the Toplane in the odd competitive match, but never in the mid lane, while Mordekaiser has always been a very specific and particular pick on the pro circuit. However, this composition did not have a happy ending; mostly because of a champion chosen by TS who completely unhinged SB's plans: Sylas.

Pretty much all ults are good for him, whether it's dealing massive damage, saving a teammate, or scaring away an opponent to take advantage in teamfights. That's how a Bisons-worthy draft didn't work as expected due to a monster capable of stealing ultimates and using them to his advantage.
