LOL: All the news that Riot could present during the opening of season 12

Season 12 Premiere Leaks & Times | Skin Thematic & VGU voting | League of Legends 2022 Start Date League of Legends will start a new chapter with the launch of season 12 next day 7 January at 4:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time. However, the date is not only important because it is being the restart of the qualifying items. In addition to this event, Riot Games will carry out a presentation in which it will show players the great changes that the title will receive over the first months of 2022.

All possible Riot ads for season 12

Considering how the developer conducted this presentation during the past season, everything points out that we will have a retransmission of approximately one hour in which news will happen that will affect all aspects of the game. Some of them already have an officially confirmed presence from the developers:

New kinematics : How can it be customary with each start of season, Riot Games will present a new kinematics. Under the name of La Call, it will show the central theme of season 12. In this way, the possibility of a campaign based on a vacuum will be confirmed or denied. Future champions : The new champions will have a very important space in this presentation of the new season. In it, we will be presented with future incorporation that will arrive in League of Legends through advances with more or less details depending on the remaining time for its launch.

In addition to these confirmations, the following novelties could also be sneaked:

Presentation of a new champion : The road map could skip the next champion to get to League of Legends, as it would be presented completely in the context of the Riot Games talk. The possibilities are very high, since we were promised for a very early date of 2022 and the company has already done the same with Diego for last year. Reworks : With respect to full updates of champions, there are several possibilities. Candidates could be confirmed through survey to receive the first VGA of 2023 or that this is postponed and simply announced that another champion will receive a relaunch to accompany UDR at the current season. Personalization : Although we will have few news regarding the new League of Legends customization system. Riot Games takes time working on him, and will include his first progress on the 12.1 patch. It is expected that they show us what the next steps will be.

New Skins : Last year, Riot Games allowed the community a couple of cosmetic lines that have reached the game during 2021. Perhaps the company repeats playing some concepts or organizing a vote on the client of League of Legends Class and qualifying : The company makes changes constantly in these two game modes, so it is expected that any short or medium-term novelty is presented at this conference, as well as the proposals for improvement for Both modes. Visual updates : Now that Riot Games has opened the hand to carry out visual updates, it may include them in this presentation of early season. We can expect it to announce which will be the next champion benefited by this process. Competitive : Updates about the next World Cup or the competitive environment could also appear in the presentation. Riot Games usually devote the final block to this type of news.

A priori, all developments will be presented on January 7 at 4:00 p.m. on the occasion of this conference. However, some of them could be published in video format on the official channels of League of Legends throughout the subsequent days.
