Wow Column: Seb Safe

It is time again for a Nostradamus-column. This time, we predict that Blizzard just only think about it, if they leave the party lines before or after Patch 10.0 and let Horde and Alliance players together in dungeons and raids play together.

The signs are posted everywhere. That it is absolutely stupid and occurs in any other game that people can not work together if the night elves and the other orcs like frequently discussed here already. In addition, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas has first raised to the fact that you think about it, the party lines to remove.

Table of contents

  1. 1Fraktionsungleichgewicht needs to be addressed
  2. 2Drei grounds for setting aside the party lines
  3. 2.11 . We arrived at the endgame WoW
  4. 22.2 . What tinkering because no matter how long the transfer bundle?
  5. 2:33 . Everything is questioned, passed the ancient teachings
  6. 3SO the fraction combination could be explained in the game

faction imbalance needs to be addressed

And it's about time. Alliance guilds are dying out, Horde guilds waiting in each content several weeks before the alliance has filled the Hall with Fame. Now is the right time to look at and to the Hall of Fame only as a prestige success decouple from the activation for cross-server Mythic raids, at the latest when the first is filled in the coming raid Mausoleum. Meanwhile, the chances are good that Blizzard quick changes are made to their MMO than in the past.

In several interviews, game director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed that it is released from the shackles of old-school developers and their views, there is collecting contributions from staff, to propose the changes and have already implemented much of it — and that applies not only to Sexy-purge changes.

Three reasons for the abolition of party lines

In addition, three other things in favor of a resolution of the political groups: 1.: WoW's (now Buy €14.99) Lore has arrived in the endgame. 2.: The server transfer bundle would make no sense without simultaneous faction change and 3.: Blizzard seems to be now ready for big changes.

1. We arrived at the endgame WoW

Explain Imagine you want before players after Mop, BFA and now even in the afterlife of WoW in one of the following extensions that once the war between Horde and Alliance has broken out again. Difficult. At some point you can no longer sell this story meaningful to the player.

It's funny how much Shadow lands, together with Avengers Endgame, the final of the Marvel superhero series. The big villain Oval (Thanos) who wants to reforge the realities (killed half of the universe), has the five seals (infinity stones) and must be stopped with the power of all kinds of armies (the pacts and the political groups). WoW, has arrived in the endgame. After that, a new era begins.

And how it has said Narrative Lead Steve Dan user so beautiful in the preview video for patch 9.2? Shadow lands Patch 9.2 is seen from Warcraft 3 from the third and final act of this Lore section of WoW. So it's time for a fresh start, a break-up of the endless cycle of We get along, we make war on us between Horde and Alliance.

2 . What tinkering because no matter how long the transfer bundle?

Since then, the character transfer bundle was announced five weeks ago, we have heard nothing more about the discounted mass transfer. Rather strange to announce something and then let it rest for weeks.

In our interview from 11.03. With Ion Hazzikostas we nachgehakt: is included in the bundle is also a faction change, and you do not think, in that the imbalance of the server population is at risk of extinction ergo more guilds? That more and more players leave the server because the battle group no longer will bear much choice of Raid guilds, I have already several times before in the Shadow lands own body. Where, then, is the character transfer bundle for Shadow lands? 5 weeks and no update. Has probably about a good reason? Source: Blizzard

The response from Hazzikostas out: There are several ways you can control the number of players in the game world, etc. (phasing, servers composites, etc.). On the question of a fraction with implicit change in the bundle, he could give no exact answer.

I believe Hazzikostas that he really did not know the answer. For to chat from the sewing box: I know that his PR team has broken him down in detail shortly after the interview about the bundle, in order to act in interviews, or has passed the bundle again with him. I think Blizzard did not know at the time himself as exactly how the character transfer package should look like.

I think it will definitely contain a reduced faction change for several characters because the fraction boundaries are thrown over board and in the future everyone can be traveled in dungeons and raids. Why else should you make the importance of server transfers through this offer yourself, if you can control the server population about other features such as phasing and server composers, according to your own statements?

3 . Everything is questioned, the old teachings are stored

In our interview and many other interviews to patch 9.1.5, Ion Hazzikostas put a lot of emphasis to mention that the philosophies incorporated by the Old school developers are now over parted and no longer relapsed when it comes to changing wow. And this could also be the breaking of the fractions.

Wow, is now 17 years old. 17 years Horde vs Alliance. This motto can be remained faithful about slaughter fields and also play lore characters against each other. But on the basis of the number of players falling for years, Blizzard himself sees that your MMO is now balancing and the cleavage between the Horde and Alliance players does not contribute to the community growing. After almost 20 years, I also think the developers have found that one can now jump over his shadow. You can not break a lot more and with the whole changes in the company and around WoW exactly the right time has come.

So the fractional assembly could be explained in the game

Apart from the endgame aspect, the association of the fractions can be easily explained with the new chiffon feature of Earth Morris. Here is a machine ready, whose function we gradually understand, and thus we learn the language of the methanogen automa. About the cipher system, we learn a new language in Patch 9.2 by Wow Shadow lands. Why not also the languages ​​of other peoples? Source: Blizzard To learn a new language, so in my opinion did not exist in this form in wow. Such a coincidence that perhaps one might also communicate beyond the boundaries of the community and ORC language with other peoples? Wow! In this way, it would make sense in the game why I can suddenly communicate beyond the sign language with hands and hooves at once as a tare in my language.

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I am so sure that the faction boundaries will soon be broken up that as a year-long horde players, I've always been uphill and Co. high playing, because I like the aesthetics of alliance peoples better. With my horde people I can play with the people I want.

What does it look like with you, do you believe in the early fall of the faction boundaries in WOW? We are looking forward to your opinion in the comments.

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